We will just mention what kind of clinical tasks will be given during day 1 and how they will be solved.
- Silicone indexes to control tooth reduction.
- Discolorations and nuances of preparation.
- Caries defect/old composite class 3. Prep techniques.
- Class 4. Practical solutions.
- Class 5 (cervical lesions). Prep designs.
- Diastema / spacing.
- Black triangles.
- Crowding / teeth rotations.
- Window prep.
- Working with incisors and canines of upper and lower jaw.
- Crown preps. Ergonomics. Direct vision and working with mirror.
- Easy and simple clinical protocols step-by-step.
- Microscope ergonomics.
Please note: all carious defects will be simulated in real time, we will restore them with composites and will work with this consideration. All questions will be solved in practice